Daktela - Partial outage of services (UK) – Szczegóły incydentu

Wszystkie systemy sprawne

Partial outage of services (UK)

Częściowa awaria
Wystąpił w dniu około 3 lata temuTrwało około 5 godzin


Daktela cloud solution - Chmura

Częściowa awaria z 8:30 AM do 1:31 PM

Hosting Daktela Cloud

Częściowa awaria z 8:30 AM do 1:31 PM

  • Rozwiązany

    The problem was solved.

  • Aktualizacja

    Partner's infrastructure is still under influence of a DDoS attack. We are working on resolving the issue in cooperation with the partner.

  • Zidentyfikowany

    The issue has been identified as a DDoS attack on our partner's infrastructure. We are working on resolving the issue in cooperation with the partner.

  • Analiza

    We are currently experiencing an outage of services in the UK due to issues in our partner's interconnection network. We are investigating the cause, for status update check https://status.daktela.com.