Daktela - Scheduled maintenance (Poland) – Karbantartás részletei

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Scheduled maintenance (Poland)

Ütemezve ekkor 13. 4. 2022 ekkor 22:30 – 22:30


Voice Services

Javítás alatt tól től 10:30 PM ehhez 10:30 PM

PL Voice Services

Javítás alatt tól től 10:30 PM ehhez 10:30 PM

  • Befejezett
    13. 4. 2022 ekkor 22:30
    13. 4. 2022 ekkor 22:30

    We hereby inform you that our Polish voice partner will be performing maintenance activity on 14th of April 2022 between 0:30-3:00 AM CEST. At mentioned time some difficulties in reaching the telecommunication network may occur. Please contact our support team in case of additional questions.